5 Automated Email Flows To Use In 2022

August 16, 2022

The impact of privacy-centred changes is set to rock the advertising landscape. This has already shifted the importance of owned media, meaning investing in email marketing is more important than ever. Whether you’re an eCommerce business with an existing email marketing set-up or a small business just starting out, we’ve got an email solution for you.

Automated email flows are all about getting the right message, in front of the right audience, at the right time. This article will look at the best automated email flows you should be using in 2022.

What are automated email flows?

Email automation allows you to create personalised content for your audience. This is a great way to build customer relationships and tap into a new revenue stream. Automated email flows are dynamic emails that are triggered by customer behaviour. Not to be confused with campaign emails, which are manually created and sent to a segment of subscribers.

When it comes to automated email flows, it’s not one solution to fit all. Email automation should help you work toward your business goals or tackle your customer’s pain points. Whether you’re looking to maximise revenue, increase repeat purchasing or improve retention rate, there’s an email solution for your business.

What type of businesses would benefit from implementing automated email flows?

Automated email flows are crucial for any eCommerce business; however, can be used across many different types of businesses. Email automation is a powerful tool for setting up ‘always on’ email activity. It can drive performance across the entire customer journey, no matter where someone is in the sales funnel. So, if you’re looking for cost-effective campaigns that convert, take your customers on a journey with email automation.

The top 5 automated email flows to use in 2022

1. Welcome series

Implementing a welcome series can be a powerful way to establish meaningful relationships with your customers. This automated flow can be used by any business that is looking to showcase its value to customers. Initially, the automation will be triggered once someone signs up to your email database. A welcome series usually comprises 4-7 emails sent over the course of one month. A great welcome flow will leave your customers inspired and educated.

2. Abandoned cart

An abandoned cart email can be a huge revenue driver for eCommerce businesses. This flow is triggered when a customer adds to cart but fails to check out. This allows you to reconnect them with the product. A customer has a strong intent to buy when they add a product to their shopping cart; this email flow is a simple way to regain the sale. People are busy, and sometimes, all they need is a little nudge to get the sale over the line.

3. Post-purchase

A post-purchase flow is great for building customer relationships. This is a great solution if you’re looking to provide your customers with more value. A post-purchase flow can take on many different forms. This flow can be used to cross-sell similar products, request customer feedback, or thank them for their purchase. You have the option to tailor the content of your post-purchase flow to align with your KPIs.

4. Back in stock

Setting up a back-in-stock email automation is another way to maximise revenue for your business. This will require integration with your eCommerce platform and email marketing software. A back-in-stock flow will allow customers to sign up to be notified if the sold-out item is restocked. This high-converting email flow captures customers with a high intent to buy and subsequently drives revenue for your business.

5. Replenishment reminder

Looking to increase your customer retention rate? Implementing a replenishment reminder will help you do just that. This automation is great for eCommerce businesses that have a general idea of the supply for a product. The idea is to connect the customer with this product again, just as they are running low. This should increase your returning customer rate.

How Reason can help

Email can be a very resource-heavy channel to manage, so you’ll want to ensure you’re getting the most out of it. At Reason, we can map out an email marketing strategy from scratch, audit your existing email setup, provide recommendations, identify missed opportunities and implement advanced subscriber segmentation. Whether you’re using Klaviyo, Mailchimp, Hubspot or another platform, we have the in-house expertise to transform your email marketing.

Ready to level up your marketing?

At Reason, we believe that a great email marketing strategy goes beyond the inbox. That’s why we would integrate your email marketing strategy with your wider digital strategy. We can manage your end-to-end marketing strategy, ensuring brand consistency across multiple channels. If you’re interested in finding out more about how we can help you, reach out to the team today.

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Written by the team at Reason.

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