Your Guide To Writing Customer-Centric Copy

October 26, 2022

Do you want to know the secret to writing compelling and customer-focused copy? The written word has the power to turn a potential lead into a loyal customer. Although many people know how to string a sentence together, not many people are successful copywriters. Copywriting is as much of an art as it is a science. In this blog, we will give you a few tips that you can sprinkle into your copy to create impactful messages that resonate with your audience.

Why is well-written copy important for your business?

Don’t overestimate the power of good copywriting! When content is well-written, clear and customer-centric, it can produce a myriad of positive flow-on effects for your business.

It builds trust and relationships

If your product is high quality, your copy should be too. When your copywriting is poor, it can make people doubt your authenticity. Not only can good copy build trust but it can also help strengthen relationships with your customers. People love to feel as if they can relate to a brand, so customer-centric copy can help strengthen this connection.

It can increase profitability

When copy is speaking directly to your customer, they are much more likely to purchase. If they can understand exactly how your business offering will improve their life, they can easily be converted from a potential customer to a loyal customer. Whereas if your copy is confusing or unclear, it will dissuade people from making the leap to purchase.

It improves your SEO ranking

If you truly want to compete against your competitors, you need to pay attention to SEO. In a nutshell, SEO is the process of optimising your website and content to meet Google’s standards. Having a good SEO score on your website will help you rank higher in Google search, resulting in increased brand visibility and (hopefully) sales!  

Copy is extremely important if you want to rank at the top of search. By having SEO-optimised copy on your category pages, landing pages and on your company blog, you have a much higher chance of achieving this.

It enhances brand identity

Having a strong brand voice is a vital part of creating a positive perception of your brand. Make your brand stand out from your competitors with a distinctive style of copywriting.

How to write customer-centric copy for clients

1. Get familiar with your target audience

Knowing your audience back to front will enable you to deliver a message that resonates with them. You probably already know your target audience’s age range and gender - which is a good place to start, however, it pays to dive a little deeper in order to fully understand their lifestyle, as this will help you figure out the kind of content they want to see.

The most effective copy connects with the customer on a personal level - so take the time to get to know who your audience truly is. Are a lot of your audience married? Do they have children? You can get a clearer image of who you are communicating with by answering these questions.

Once you have established your target audience, you can begin speaking to them directly in your copy. Rather than saying “we love this [feature]”, you can say “ you will love this feature” and go on to explain why.

2. Know your audience's pain points and motivators

A simple way to make sure your audience connects with your copy is by identifying their pain points and motivators. Their pain points are essentially problems that your audience wants to solve. Perhaps they are extremely time-poor during the weekdays and want a product or service that streamlines their life. If so, this is a good angle to take.

For instance, if you are selling a Roomba (robot vacuum), you can highlight how it takes the chore of vacuuming entirely off your chore roster. If the majority of your audience have young children, you could take this message a step further and emphasise how easy it is to clean up after messy kids with the Roomba.

Here are some common pain points to look out for:

  • Poor product or service quality
  • Complex buying/ordering process
  • Poor customer service
  • High price point

Another key thing to look out for is your audience's internal and external motivators. An internal motivator is related to a feeling that comes from within. For example, maybe your audience has a common desire for freedom or happiness. By using your gift of copywriting, you can cater to these feelings that your audience is motivated by.

Whereas an external motivator is something that results from outside sources. For instance, an external motivator may be the desire to achieve a higher social status. You can use this knowledge to align your copy with your audience's extrinsic motivations. If you do it well, your audience is more likely to be swayed by what you have to say.

3. Nail the tone of voice

If your writing is angled toward those in the 65+ age bracket, you’ll need to channel their way of communicating. Try to be a chameleon with your writing style and tailor it to the audience in question. For example, an older audience won’t be as familiar with slang as the younger generation, so you probably won’t want to include that in your copy. Instead, you’ll want to opt for more traditional language and sayings they are familiar with.

A great way to ensure that you have the tone of voice down pat is by scoping out your client's website and customer-facing resources. Consider asking yourself the following questions:

  • How does the client already communicate with their audience?
  • Are there particular words that pop up over and over again?
  • Does the language evoke a distinct feeling or have a specific style?

Try and incorporate the same tone and brand words into your own copy. For instance, if your client's brand voice is somewhat inspirational, you’ll want to use words that invoke that same energy. Think phrases like “the sky’s the limit” or words like “conquer” and “dominate”.

4. Get to the point

Skip over the fluff and get straight to the point. We live in a society where people are extremely time-poor so you need to capture their attention straight off the bat. Otherwise, you risk them clicking off the page without getting to the main message.

Fluffy content can come across as confusing, which is a good way to lose your audience’s interest. They want content that is logical and easy to digest, so don’t go off on tangents or consistently overdo the adjectives.

You’ll also want to have a clear call to action. Don’t overdo it though - one is typically enough. You don’t want to seem like a pushy salesperson! Just make it super clear exactly what you want the customer to do.

5. Sell the benefits (not the features)

Part of writing customer-centric copy is to highlight how your product will make a positive difference to your customer's life. It can be easy to get swept up in all the great features your product has and forget to mention the benefits. Some features won’t mean a heck of a lot to the customer when listed in isolation.

Let’s imagine you are selling a suitcase. Rather than simply informing customers about a built-in charging port, elaborate on how this charging port will make their travels better. For example, a built-in charging port will prevent your phone from dying while you are waiting in the airport terminal. This helps you stay entertained as you wait for your flight.

Ultimately, customers want to know what is in it for them. So make sure you are expressing that in your copy!

Ready to take your copywriting to the next level?

When you work with us, we’ll help you come up with a comprehensive content strategy that helps you to achieve your business goals. Content is not created in isolation - rather, it is strategically intertwined with your wider business strategy. We work with our SEO specialists to ensure that your content is optimised for the web, giving you a better chance of gaining business awareness and making sales.

Written by: Savannah Luca - Content Producer

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Written by the team at Reason.

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